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Add banner/link to WDQS User Research Survey 2021 on WDQS UI
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Main components:

  • Query Service UI

User story:
As a WDQS UI user, I want to be able to see and access the WDQS User Research Survey 2021 from the WDQS UI, so that I can give my feedback on WDQS scaling priorities.


  • This survey has been sent out via Wikidata Mailing List, Wikidata Project Chat on 12 Aug 2021, and will be included in Wikidata updates on 16 Aug 2021.
  • We may be able to re-use code from T280230: Query Builder top banner for this.
  • We will display this banner first, and the T280230: Query Builder top banner at a later point in time.

Main banner

1.0 - Message Notice on Query Service.png (969×1 px, 42 KB)

(wrong text)

GIVEN a user opening the Query Service
WHEN the user is viewing the main page
THEN a banner informing about the new Query Builder will be visible on top
AND it can be closed by clicking on the ‘X’ icon

Acceptance criteria:

Please tell us how you use the Wikidata Query Service (see privacy statement)! Whether you are an occasional user or create tools, your feedback is needed to decide our future development. Please fill out our survey today!


Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) User Survey 2021

In the 2021-2022 fiscal year, the WMF Search team is working on scaling up Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) to handle increasing graph size and queries -- we will be following up shortly with more updates regarding this. In order to design a querying service that works for most use cases, it is important for us to understand the needs of WDQS users.

We are trying to cover the diverse use cases of WDQS. Whether you are an occasional user of the service, running queries regularly, for example for maintenance purposes, or hitting the WDQS daily with your tools, your feedback is welcome on this short survey. If you are interested in providing feedback, please fill out our survey:

Thanks for your participation!

This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement For technical issues with the survey, please contact

Event Timeline

Hi @MPhamWMF, I shortened the text for the banner. Could you please check if this wording works considering legal etc?

Addshore set the point value for this task to 3.Aug 18 2021, 10:31 AM

Change 713690 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ladsgroup; author: Adamham):

[wikidata/query/gui@master] Add a banner for WDQS User Research Survey 2021

Ladsgroup subscribed.

I didn't add config to turn it on or off since it's not in AC but I can add it if it wasn't intentional.

The AC says it should be on wikidata only so I should add a config.

Should the banner also appear on embed.html or not?

Change 713690 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikidata/query/gui@master] Add a banner for WDQS User Research Survey 2021

Change 713900 had a related patch set uploaded (by WDQSGuiBuilder; author: WDQSGuiBuilder):

[wikidata/query/gui-deploy@production] Merging from 873e5601168706cf92a3463193705d7d72218bc8

Change 713900 merged by Ladsgroup:

[wikidata/query/gui-deploy@production] Merging from 873e5601168706cf92a3463193705d7d72218bc8

Change 713901 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ladsgroup; author: Amir Sarabadani):

[wikidata/query/gui-deploy@production] Set show banner to true in config

Change 713901 merged by Ladsgroup:

[wikidata/query/gui-deploy@production] Set show banner to true in config

It should become online in half an hour

Looks good to me! Thanks for this!

Hi @MPhamWMF, I hope a lot of useful responses are rolling in! We would like to repurpose the banner to advertise the new Query Builder next. So please let us know by what date you would like your banner to be active! :)

Hi @Manuel , thanks for checking! We got a good number of responses, which have slowed down recently, so I think it'd be fine to repurpose the banner whenever you are ready to advertise the Query Builder.

Change 721048 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ladsgroup; author: Amir Sarabadani):

[wikidata/query/gui-deploy@production] Disable the banner

Change 721048 abandoned by Ladsgroup:

[wikidata/query/gui-deploy@production] Disable the banner


We are replacing it with the other banner instead.