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How often do people try to edit on mobile devices, using the desktop site, at the English Wikipedia?
Open, LowPublic


Could someone please estimate the percentage of non-bot edits [page opening, don't care if they save] that happen on the desktop site but using a mobile device? This is related to T288161: Enable CodeMirror's Syntax Highlighting on English Wikipedia by default, because mobile devices may not have the computing power to be as efficient with syntax highlighting.

Name for main point of contact and contact preference: @Whatamidoing-WMF

What teams or departments is this for? Editing

What are the details of your request? Include relevant timelines or deadlines During 2021

How will you use this data or analysis? To decide whether T288161 should be rejected on accessibility grounds. (Mobile devices are often under-powered relative to what's needed to make syntax highlighting a functional experience.)

Is this request urgent or time sensitive? No

Event Timeline

Whatamidoing-WMF renamed this task from How often to people try to edit on mobile devices, using the desktop site, at the English Wikipedia? to How often do people try to edit on mobile devices, using the desktop site, at the English Wikipedia?.Aug 16 2021, 4:50 PM

Hi @Whatamidoing-WMF, we reviewed this at our board refinement meeting today - could you please provide some more context around this request? I've pulled our usual work intake questions into the task description. Thanks!

ppelberg added subscribers: MNeisler, ppelberg.

Per the conversations, I've had with @MNeisler and @Whatamidoing-WMF offline, this task is not a priority at this time. If/when that changes, I will comment as much on the ticket.