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Release new version of wikidiff2 with fix for RTL compatibility
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Previous edition: T285856. We'd like a new release which includes a fix for T290731.

Event Timeline

Daimona changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Sep 27 2021, 5:58 PM
Daimona added subscribers: WMDE-Fisch, thiemowmde.

@WMDE-Fisch, @thiemowmde Hi, could you please tag a new release?

The task's description asks for the subtasks to be closed. Are they finished? How to tell?

The task's description asks for the subtasks to be closed. Are they finished? How to tell?

Right, sorry. The subtask is resolved in that a fix has been implemented, but it's now in the QA phase which is blocked by this release + deployment in production. I'm going to update the task description and flip the dependency.

Change 724386 had a related patch set uploaded (by WMDE-Fisch; author: WMDE-Fisch):

[mediawiki/php/wikidiff2@master] Release 1.13.0

Change 724386 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/php/wikidiff2@master] Release 1.13.0

Daimona assigned this task to WMDE-Fisch.

Thanks! Calling this resolved now, deployment is still tracked in the parent ticket, T285857.

I still have to add the signed tag, create the package and upload it to the releases server. Will do that a bit later today. ;-)

I still have to add the signed tag, create the package and upload it to the releases server. Will do that a bit later today. ;-)

My apologies, didn't think about that :) Thank you!

Perfect, and as last time, thank you for doing this so promptly!