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Avoid internal data from Section Translation to leak into published articles
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Acacia koa article in Hausa was created as a translation of this English article. The initial published version contained what seems to be internal markup:

ha.wikipedia.org_wiki_Acacia_koa(iPad Pro).png (2×2 px, 909 KB)

This may be related to the template support issues (T275374)

Event Timeline

ngkountas changed the task status from Open to In Progress.May 27 2022, 8:40 AM
ngkountas claimed this task.

Change 800721 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nik Gkountas; author: Nik Gkountas):

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] SX: Fix cleanup of unadapted cx-links to include all child nodes

Change 800721 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] SX: Fix cleanup of unadapted cx-links to include all child nodes

Change 801346 had a related patch set uploaded (by Santhosh; author: Santhosh):

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Update CX3 Build 0.2.0+20220530

Change 801346 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Update CX3 Build 0.2.0+20220530

Test status: QA PASS

Article / section can now be translated/ published without internal data getting carried over

Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 9.55.23 PM.png (695×338 px, 130 KB)

Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 9.56.43 PM.png (516×1 px, 76 KB)