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Upgrade pywikibot to latest version
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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Oh joy: tests fail with
AttributeError: <module 'pywikibot' from 'heritage/.tox/py37/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pywikibot/'> does not have the attribute 'ImagePage'

Change 737327 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jean-Frédéric; author: Jean-Frédéric):

[labs/tools/heritage@master] Upgrade pywikibot to latest version 6.6.2, and add mwparserfromhell

I was wondering why all my scripts are failing and thought I was going crazy. Glad it isn't just me.

@JeanFred: is there a chance that it will be fixed for ErfgoedBot?

Change 737327 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/tools/heritage@master] Upgrade pywikibot to latest version 6.6.2, and add mwparserfromhell

Lokal_Profil assigned this task to JeanFred.