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Lemma - Text Input
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As a Lexeme creator I want to be able to specify the Lemma of my Lexeme in order to define the word my new Lexeme describes.

We need a text input for the Lemma of the new Lexeme.


GIVEN the special page to create a new Lexeme
WHEN loading the page
THEN an input field for the Lemma is available
AND a placeholder is shown in the input field

Acceptance criteria:

  • special page exists with an input field for the Lemma
  • placeholder text is shown inside the input field when nothing is typed in it


  • Placeholder text: Short form of a word such as in a dictionary entry, e.g., ‘first’
  • Length limit: 1000 Unicode code points according to current code
  • Component: Wikit text input
  • Errors: length limit is reached (checked on submit later)

Event Timeline

  • Errors: length limit is reached (checked on submit later)

@Erdinc_Ciftci_WMDE The copy for that doesn't seem to exist yet in Lexeme. Could you come up with some and add it to the ticket? Thanks!

I think this is mostly done, save for the copy. But that doesn't have a priority for now anyway.