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Long references on small screen sizes aren't fully viewable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Example from a user via email:

Screenshot_20211218-030052.png (2×1 px, 208 KB)

This is the fourth point of but is something we can do on the Android side, so I'm creating this separate ticket.

Event Timeline

Dbrant triaged this task as Low priority.Jan 4 2022, 3:38 PM
Dbrant subscribed.

Note for whoever picks this up:
The problem seems to be that the bottom-sheet is no longer slideable because the TextView is intercepting the motion events (because it has a MovementMethod for detecting link clicks). If we somehow also pass-through the motion events to the bottom sheet itself, then this would be fixed.

(Notice that the bottom sheet is still slideable if you grab it by the very top header, i.e. the "reference" title text at the top)