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Special:UnreviewedPages on en.Wikibooks not listing pages in namespace 110 (Wikijunior)
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Problem on the English Wikibooks.

Software version (if not a Wikimedia wiki), browser information, screenshots, other information, etc.:
Same problem on Chrome and Edge, doesn't appear to be browser specific. Multiple users reporting the problem.

Event Timeline

Is it new or was it like this always?

Is it new or was it like this always?

New. Can't say how new, it's a while since I've used it, but it definitely worked maybe 6 months ago.

This problem is with filters of all namespaces except namespace 0 (Main) on Special:UnreviewedPages

On dewiki it works to show pages from the module namespace (for example). But the page also shows the "perfcachedts" message, which indicates that there is something in the query cache. If the query cache is full with 5000 main namespace pages, there is no place for the numeric later namespace 110 and the special page shows an empty result for the requested namespace.