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Shadow missing in template card
Open, MediumPublic


The template card (T295973) in Section Translation is intended to be similar to the card showing a proposed translation for a regular sentence. However, the template card is missing the drop shadow that is present in the other card. This ticket proposes to add the missing shadow to the template card for consistency.

bn.m.wikipedia.org_w_index.php_title=Special_ContentTranslation&page=Paneer&from=en&to=bn&sx=true(iPhone SE) (1).png (1×750 px, 140 KB)
bn.m.wikipedia.org_w_index.php_title=Special_ContentTranslation&page=Paneer&from=en&to=bn&sx=true(iPhone SE) (2).png (1×750 px, 211 KB)

Once the shadow it is applied it may be good to adjust the z-index to make sure it is shown above content elements such as images, block templates, etc. Avoiding those contents to hide the shadow as it currently happens:

bn.m.wikipedia.org_w_index.php_title=Special_ContentTranslation&page=Paneer&from=en&to=bn&sx=true(iPhone SE) (3).png (1×750 px, 135 KB)

These issues were captured when translating the "Preparation" section of the Paneer article form English to Bengali.

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 3 2022, 1:53 PM
Pginer-WMF created this task.
Pginer-WMF moved this task from Backlog to Mobile editor on the SectionTranslation board.