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Error: exception of type Error: Cannot unpack array with string keys
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is showing up on apitesting test jobs for all GrowthExperiments patches:

  "message": "Error: exception of type Error: Cannot unpack array with string keys",
  "exception": {
    "id": "0cae2c086252421d907e9a53",
    "type": "Error",
    "file": "/workspace/src/includes/GlobalFunctions.php",
    "line": 1179,
    "message": "Cannot unpack array with string keys",
    "code": 0,
    "url": "/rest.php/growthexperiments/v0/quickstarttips/minerva/visualeditor/copyedit/en",
    "caught_by": "other",
    "backtrace": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/includes/context/DerivativeContext.php",
        "line": 288,
        "function": "wfMessage",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/extensions/GrowthExperiments/includes/HelpPanel/Tips/TipNodeRenderer.php",
        "line": 207,
        "function": "msg",
        "class": "DerivativeContext",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "function": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\{closure}",
        "class": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\TipNodeRenderer",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/extensions/GrowthExperiments/includes/HelpPanel/Tips/TipNodeRenderer.php",
        "line": 226,
        "function": "array_map",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/extensions/GrowthExperiments/includes/HelpPanel/Tips/TipNodeRenderer.php",
        "line": 110,
        "function": "getMessageParameters",
        "class": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\TipNodeRenderer",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/extensions/GrowthExperiments/includes/HelpPanel/Tips/TipNodeRenderer.php",
        "line": 69,
        "function": "mainAndTextRender",
        "class": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\TipNodeRenderer",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/extensions/GrowthExperiments/includes/HelpPanel/Tips/TipNodeRenderer.php",
        "line": 53,
        "function": "buildHtml",
        "class": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\TipNodeRenderer",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "function": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\{closure}",
        "class": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\TipNodeRenderer",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/extensions/GrowthExperiments/includes/HelpPanel/Tips/TipNodeRenderer.php",
        "line": 54,
        "function": "array_map",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/extensions/GrowthExperiments/includes/HelpPanel/Tips/TipsAssembler.php",
        "line": 71,
        "function": "render",
        "class": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\TipNodeRenderer",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "function": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\{closure}",
        "class": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\TipsAssembler",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/extensions/GrowthExperiments/includes/HelpPanel/Tips/TipsAssembler.php",
        "line": 72,
        "function": "array_map",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/extensions/GrowthExperiments/includes/Rest/Handler/TipsHandler.php",
        "line": 70,
        "function": "getTips",
        "class": "GrowthExperiments\\HelpPanel\\Tips\\TipsAssembler",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/includes/Rest/SimpleHandler.php",
        "line": 38,
        "function": "run",
        "class": "GrowthExperiments\\Rest\\Handler\\TipsHandler",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/includes/Rest/Router.php",
        "line": 414,
        "function": "execute",
        "class": "MediaWiki\\Rest\\SimpleHandler",
        "type": "->",
        "args": []
        "file": "/workspace/src/includes/Rest/Router.php",
        "line": 338,
        "function": "executeHandler",
        "class": "MediaWiki\\Rest\\Router",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/includes/Rest/EntryPoint.php",
        "line": 167,
        "function": "execute",
        "class": "MediaWiki\\Rest\\Router",
        "type": "->",
        "args": [
        "file": "/workspace/src/includes/Rest/EntryPoint.php",
        "line": 132,
        "function": "execute",
        "class": "MediaWiki\\Rest\\EntryPoint",
        "type": "->",
        "args": []
        "file": "/workspace/src/rest.php",
        "line": 31,
        "function": "main",
        "class": "MediaWiki\\Rest\\EntryPoint",
        "type": "::",
        "args": []
  "httpCode": 500,
  "httpReason": "Internal Server Error"

It's not from anything we've changed.

Event Timeline

kostajh triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Mar 8 2022, 10:44 AM
kostajh created this task.
Restricted Application added subscribers: Masumrezarock100, Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Unable to reproduce it locally so far.

Looks like you're passing an associative array to msg() somewhere instead of a list, which (surprisingly to me) seems to have worked correctly before, although nothing in the documentation suggested that it would. I can make it work again if it would be tedious to fix in GrowthExperiments.

(This is caused by, but this change wasn't the focus of that patch)

(This is caused by, but this change wasn't the focus of that patch)

I'm confused as to why I can't reproduce this locally with that core patch, though.

If you're running a more recent version of PHP, then unpacking an array with string keys is no longer impossible! :D

(This is caused by, but this change wasn't the focus of that patch)

I'm confused as to why I can't reproduce this locally with that core patch, though.

Oh, sorry. Confusingly, the issue only occurs for some task types, but not all. I can reproduce with http://localhost:8080/w/rest.php/growthexperiments/v0/quickstarttips/minerva/visualeditor/copyedit/en . Let me see if I can fix this easily in GrowthExperiments.

I think this line:

$parameterMessageKey = $nodeConfig['variant'][$skinName] ?? $nodeConfig['data'];

should be:

$parameterMessageKey = $nodeConfig['variant'][$skinName]['data'] ?? $nodeConfig['data'];

The $nodeConfig seems to be coming from TipTree::getEditMessageTipConfigData().

Change 769030 had a related patch set uploaded (by Kosta Harlan; author: Kosta Harlan):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] TipNodeRenderer: Ensure array of messages doesn't have string keys

I think this line:

$parameterMessageKey = $nodeConfig['variant'][$skinName] ?? $nodeConfig['data'];

should be:

$parameterMessageKey = $nodeConfig['variant'][$skinName]['data'] ?? $nodeConfig['data'];

The $nodeConfig seems to be coming from TipTree::getEditMessageTipConfigData().

Indeed. Thanks for looking.

Change 769030 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] TipNodeRenderer: Ensure array of messages doesn't have string keys