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Add a new story page
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Mar 22 2022, 7:19 AM
Referenced Files
F35038142: Images loaded for article.png
Apr 4 2022, 4:26 PM
F35038139: Story pages after adding new ones.png
Apr 4 2022, 4:26 PM
F35038131: 01 Add a new story page.png
Apr 4 2022, 4:26 PM
F35033512: Images loaded for article-1.png
Apr 1 2022, 11:03 AM
F35033515: Images loaded for article.png
Apr 1 2022, 11:03 AM
F35033501: 02. 10 Images in a story.png
Apr 1 2022, 11:03 AM
F35033499: 01. 10 Images in a story.png
Apr 1 2022, 11:03 AM
F35033506: 01 Add a new story page.png
Apr 1 2022, 11:03 AM



Users might be required to add additional story pages while creating a story. Adding a new story page option would allow them to do that.

Design details
Plus iconImage selection screen
01 Add a new story page.png (780×360 px, 323 KB)
Images loaded for article-1.png (780×360 px, 360 KB)
  • A tap on [+] icon would take user to image selection screen.
  • Don’t pre-select previously selected images.
    Images loaded for article.png (780×360 px, 360 KB)
  • Allow selecting multiple images.

Story pages after adding new ones.png (780×360 px, 325 KB)

  • Newly selected images are placed next to the last image in story.

02. 10 Images in a story.png (780×360 px, 333 KB)

  • Fix [+] icon's position and allow horizontal scroll to access all story pages.

Design details

Event Timeline

SGautam_WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
SGautam_WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

The 10 pages limit could be handled in T296494: Be able to create story with up to 10 pages if possible for the sake of having smaller tasks.

Change 777489 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sbisson; author: Sbisson):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikistories@master] Add story frames

Change 777489 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikistories@master] Add story frames


All design and functional expectations have been met.


All design and functional expectations have been met.

In that case, let's move it to "Design sign off"

Work as expected, there are some minor observations about the treatment which will take care in a separate task.