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VisualEditor apparently creates malformed |volume= parameter values in cs1|2 templates (
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • I don't use ve so I can't reproduce

What happens?:
cs1|2 citation template gets stuff like: |volume=Vol. 1 no. 1 (diff) and |volume=Vol 13 No 3 (diff)
These malformed parameter values cause Module:Citation/CS1 (at and at other-language wikis that use a more-or-less current version of the module suite) to emit '|volume= has extra text' error messages because the module is responsible for the static text ('Vol.', 'no.') when rendering the citation.
What should have happened instead?:
|volume=1 |issue=1 and |volume=13 |issue=3

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This comment was removed by Mvolz.
Mvolz triaged this task as Medium priority.May 30 2022, 10:39 AM

Now having looked at the examples, these can't be from citoid because they're both pdf links which citoid doesn't do. Potentially user error?

A potential fix could be change the template data type - currently issue and volume are both set to "line" and it could be set to "number". However if you have, for instance, a "summer" issue, then that would prevent people from using that. Other than validating it against the type, there's currently no way to validate it more specifically than that.

I've added more documentation to make it clear to the user what belongs in the field - maybe that will help?

Ah, and only volume but not issue was in the suggested params - so they didn't probably notice you could add the issue separately. Fixed:

Mvolz claimed this task.