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Remove unnecessary section "See also" from the article
Closed, ResolvedPublic


image.png (866×711 px, 59 KB)

Article Dog as the example, the section "See also" is not necessary;
remove the section, also apply to other language articles (Indonesia)

Dev: One interesting solution provided by Stephane

we can introduce configuration for the various wikis we will try to deploy to.

QA Results - Beta/ID


Event Timeline

SBisson edited projects, added Inuka-Team; removed Inuka-Team (Kanban).
PWaigi-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 19 2023, 2:39 PM

Change 980349 had a related patch set uploaded (by Huei Tan; author: Huei Tan):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikistories@master] Remove "See also" section from article

Change 980349 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikistories@master] Remove "See also" section from article

@hueitan See also" is not shown in the Wikistory anymore as seen in the video attached but what do you mean by "Finding a way to remove the section, also apply to other language articles" from the task description? When in mobile view, Languages are disabled. Are there any other beta sites with Wikistories in other languages?

Status: ❓NMI
Environment: Beta: 1.42.0-alpha (44277cd)
OS: macOS Sonoma 14.2
Browser: Chrome 120, Firefox 120, Safari 17.2, Edge 120
Skins. Minerva
Device: MBA M2
Emulated Device:: n/a
Test Links:


"See also" is not in Wikistories

Other languages?- When in mobile view, Languages are disabled. Are there any other beta sites with Wikistories in other languages?

2023-12-21_11-48-01.png (584×2 px, 183 KB)

@hueitan "Lihat Pula" does not show up during the story creation as seen in the .webm below. With the above response and this one in Indonesia, I will move this to Design sign-off. Thanks for all your work!

Status- Other Language: ✅PASS

Test Link ID: