Author: M8R-cyc3n3
i set this in my personal css to make my diff view resemble the editform,
namely to make the number and type of spaces apparent in each line.
.diff-addedline, .diff-deletedline, .diff-context
{ font-family:monospace; white-space:pre-wrap; }
but i did not count on the html of these cells containing superfluous carriage
returns and spaces. due to my css, the \n's became visible as blank lines at
the start and end of each cell and two extra spaces appeared at the end.
i.e. "CONTENT" is represented as "\nCONTENT\n ".
see, the outputted html looks like this:
<td class="diff-deletedline"><div>FIVE→ ←SPACES
whereas the following would be ideal:
<td class="diff-deletedline"><div>FIVE→ ←SPACES</div></td>
of course, all white-space actually present in each line of wiki-text should
remain so.
(i don't know the purpose of adding a div tag with no attributes to each cell,
but that's another matter.)
Version: 1.20.x
Severity: normal