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Verify data for Rollback button in Diff view
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please verify the data has been sent to the MobileWikiAppEdit.

App version:
Beta: 50406 (2.7.50406-beta-2022-06-14)
Production: 50406 (2.7.50406-r-2022-06-14)

Click on the Rollback button, it pops up a dialog for confirmation:

log("action", "rollbackAttempt")

Rollback action has been executed successfully.

log("action", "rollbackSuccess")

An error has occurred when sending the rollback action.

log("action", "rollbackFailure")

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 10 2022, 1:57 PM

Caveat that usage will likely be very rare, don't expect large counts for these events.

  1. Most users will not be accessing edit history/diff screens where button resides
  2. Even fewer editors have Rollback privileges - button is only visible to those editors

Beta data as of 2022-06-16 - GDocs

mpopov moved this task from Next 2 weeks to Blocked on the Product-Analytics (Kanban) board.
mpopov subscribed.

Blocked on availability of data from production release

Hi @SNowick_WMF,

The production app has been released on June 16, 2022. I have updated the ticket description.

We have not been seeing test events in schema MobileWikiAppEdit as of 2022-06-23. Added Rollback events ("rollbackAttempt", "rollbackSuccess", "rollbackFailure") to schema doc as action is an enum field. Code needs to be updated to Revision 23442324 for new schema to work.

Will test again after re-release and update results here.

Verifying after this fix we are seeing test Rollback events now in MobileWikiAppEdit, will report on uptake when app goes to production.

Verifying we are seeing small counts of Rollback events in MobileWikiAppEdit

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