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Turn on Post-payment Monthly Convert as default for France & Netherlands
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi fr-tech,

Both France and Netherlands pre-tests where banners pointed to gateway:'adyen', variant:'monthlyConvert_011' went well with no major issues surfaced by Donor relations.

Could we please turn on post-payment monthly convert via Adyen as default for France and Netherlands?

Thank you,

Event Timeline

Can we turn it on for all markets please since it passed the France/NL test?

@EMartin We should probably make sure the monthly convert language and amounts look good for each market before we default to them there, right?

@Ejegg Sure, I was more thinking that the capability is built and tested so why not turn it on for all. We wouldn't go live with a campaign until the language is correct but the capability has been tested and proven so why not avoid about 14 additional requests into FRTech to avoid the noise for the other bundle markets.

Hi EMartin! Let's keep this to the task at hand (France, NL) for now.
For each new country where we run MC post-payment, we need to vet with the fr-creative team too, as there's a lot of language and also DR to consider. Thanks!

XenoRyet set Final Story Points to 1.