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Embed a Matrix-based chat panel into Wikipedia as a newcomer support tool
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Currently, support of new Wikipedia editors either happens via the talk page (which is not a real-time communication tool, and as such, not great at delivering swift answers when the new editor is stuck at some task) or via detached discussion systems such as IRC or Discord (which are hard to find). An ideal support system would include real-time chat but would be integrated into the wiki user interface.

The most feasible approach is using Matrix:

  • integrate a Matrix chat window into the wiki user interface, e.g. via Chatterbox (or maybe Cactus or livematrix)
  • automatically log the user in via Wikimedia login (via T230536)
  • hide the complexity of a potentially large chatroom from the user, e.g. with Honoroit
  • some sort of chatbot to answer common questions with templated answers
  • maybe allow converting help requests to on-wiki messages when no one is active in the chatroom
  • maybe integrate with the Growth help panel (see T224630: Help panel: measure demand for live chat)