Special:Statistics and related services on wikidata and enwiki are now displaying an inflated count for various statistics. It appears this is coming from the changes in T306589 per discussion on wikidata.
For example, earlier today enwiki reported 6,571,832 content pages on Special:Statistics, while a report on Quarry reported 6,541,605 ns0 non-redirects. "all pages including redirects" was 56,804,085 on Special:Statistics, and 56,377,417 in the report.
For Wikidata, the overcount is about a million pages in both fields, assuming 'content' is defined as ns0+146+650 (Quarry; Special:Statistics)
I haven't checked Commons as I am not sure how content pages are counted there, but it seems to use the same stats system so likely has the same problem.
Wikis that do not use the new stats system from T306589 seem unaffected; I tested frwiki and the statistics page lines up exactly with a page count from Quarry.