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Ask for input from Chapters - their experiences with different CRM-systems
Open, Needs TriagePublic


  • Send to André for Proofreading and send out
  • Compile answers

Event Timeline

@Jenny_Brandt_WMSE: Hi, the Due Date set for this open task passed a while ago.
Could you please either update or reset the Due Date (by clicking Edit Task), or set the status of this task to resolved in case this task is done? Thanks!

No reply; thus resetting Due Date.

This was done during a meeting with other chapters and affiliates: conclusion from us is that different payment solutions in different countries varies and can be a hinder if the supplier have no experience working in a Swedish context.

@Jenny_Brandt_WMSE Was there any report/summary written down as a result of this meeting?

@Jenny_Brandt_WMSE Was there any report/summary written down as a result of this meeting?

ping @Jenny_Brandt_WMSE