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mapframe / Kartographer: no dynamic map (ony in preview)
Closed, DeclinedPublicBUG REPORT


At least on, mapframes aren't rendered as dynamic maps (which allow interaction, e.g. clicking on items with title/description, zooming or panning). While the preview of pages including mapframes shows a dynamic map, the resulting page just contains a static map.

I assume that this is a bug, since the preview contains a fully-functional map (so the users may expect that the resulting map is dynamic).

Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:

What should have happened instead?:


Static map in article:

Screenshot 2022-09-25 at 11-35-30 Amberger Skulpturenweg – Wikipedia.png (911×1 px, 357 KB)

Dynamic map in preview when editing (allows for zooming / panning, shows popups for map items, e.g. markers);

Screenshot 2022-09-25 at 11-36-19 „Amberger Skulpturenweg“ – Abschnitt bearbeiten – Wikipedia.png (911×1 px, 216 KB)

Event Timeline

Hi, please see T291736 for a similar request on Spanish Wikipedia. We would love to turn on dynamic maps for all sites, but unfortunately there are performance limitations that prevent us from doing so. Showing a dynamic map for every pageview on high-traffic sites would be a big drain on traffic and server resources, so this feature is disabled by configuration.

Please share if you think of any way we can make this limitation clearer. For example, maybe the preview map should be static.

Hi, please see T291736 for a similar request on Spanish Wikipedia. We would love to turn on dynamic maps for all sites, but unfortunately there are performance limitations that prevent us from doing so. Showing a dynamic map for every pageview on high-traffic sites would be a big drain on traffic and server resources, so this feature is disabled by configuration.

Please share if you think of any way we can make this limitation clearer. For example, maybe the preview map should be static.

@awight: Thanks a lot for the explanation! In this case, IMHO also the preview map should be static. With a dynamic preview, users expect the "final" page to show a dynamic map, too. Additionally, the help pages should contain some info about this restriction. I'll amend the German help pages accordingly.

the preview map should be static. With a dynamic preview, users expect the "final" page to show a dynamic map, too.

I completely agree and I've split this request into a subtask for discussion.

Additionally, the help pages should contain some info about this restriction. I'll amend the German help pages accordingly.

Thanks again!

Change 835159 had a related patch set uploaded (by Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE); author: Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@master] [POC] Make dynamic preview behave like static map in static mode

Change 835159 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@master] Make dynamic preview behave like static map in static mode