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Make new "[reply]" links work without javascript
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Feature summary: The "[reply]" links on talk pages are not visible if Javascript is not enabled, though the section-header "[edit]" and "[subscribe]" links are. While many of the new talk page features can't be implemented without Javascript, this one could be. Non-javascript reply links could open the traditional editor with the cursor in the correct place. Even a single reply link at the end of each section would be useful.

The use of "reply" links seems to be encouraging longer discussion threads, and decreasing the practice of adding arbitrary section breaks for readability. This is good in itself, but makes it harder to participate without access to the reply links.

Use case(s): Editing with Javascript disabled is faster, and cheaper if on an expensive connection, common in some parts of the world. It also solves some of the current bugs with mobile editing. Browser extensions that can to temporarily disable Javascript for a Mediawiki site include uMatrix, uBlock Origin, and Noscript.

Some editors have opted out of Reply Tool, but might opt in to what is essentially just a more conveniently-located "edit" link.

Benefits: Some of the benefits of the Reply Tool, extended to a wider range of editors. Greater likelihood of productively replying, for instance. Restoring and improving talkpage ease of use. Less scrolling, harder to get lost within a Talk page. A reduction in systemic bias.

An optional additional benefit:
A/B testing of the full Reply Tool and just the reply links would also give interesting data on what proportion of the reply tool's effects are due to which features of the tool (see T252057). This could help inform future interface improvements and direct developer time more efficiently.

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Non-javascript reply links could open the traditional editor with the cursor in the correct place.

I don’t think it’s possible. Without JavaScript, all we have is a plain old <textarea>. It has an autofocus attribute, but that’s just a boolean thing: you can ask the browser to focus on the element, but you can’t tell it where exactly the cursor should blink.

Would it be helpful if it just linked to the section (basically same as the [edit] links)?

For what it's worth, I experimented some time ago with a genuine no-JS version of the reply tool (

image.png (1×2 px, 221 KB)

I think it's only feasible to add and maintain if we keep it very limited, but at that point I'm not sure if it's actually a better experience than just leaving out the feature and making people use the wikitext editor tool. For example, adding preview or handling CAPTCHAs would be a significant addition that I wouldn't want us to work on.

The "[reply]" links on talk pages are not visible if Javascript is not enabled, though the section-header "[edit]" and "[subscribe]" links are.

Regarding [subscribe] links, they currently don't work without JS, but this is relatively easy to fix – see T321431 for this work.

Would it be helpful if it just linked to the section (basically same as the [edit] links)?

Yes, and even more helpful if the editing window automatically scrolled to the bottom of the source text. Apologies for the very slow reply.

and even more helpful if the editing window automatically scrolled to the bottom of the source text.

See T323461#8408186.