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Create DLocal PaymentProvider in SmashPig
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Ejegg updated the task description. (Show Details)

dLocal doesn't appear to have a ping-style API endpoint. I can't see a single discrete API call we can use for this ticket to confirm the API is reachable and works.

It looks like we need to do the signature work in T324274 before making any follow-on API calls, as the signature header is required for all API calls as explained here

From IRC:

15:48 <jgleeson> ejegg: I just saw the desc update of the ticket. we're still missing the method to call though
15:49 <ejegg> yep, I figure we need a base method that will take a URL as an argument, then once we start implementing the API calls they will call that base method
15:50 <ejegg> does that sound right?
15:50 <ejegg> I was basing that on all the curl requests needing the same headers
15:51 <ejegg> but if there's a reason not to share the header logic we can just put that off till we implement the first API call
15:52 <jgleeson> i guess we can add the files and method although it will be untested
15:52 <jgleeson> maybe we should combine the signature work with this
15:52 <ejegg> k, sounds good
15:53 <jgleeson> we could potentially use this api call as our healthcheck call
15:54 <jgleeson> feels like the api with the lowest bar
15:54 <jgleeson> api call*
15:54 <ejegg> cool cool, I think this one is pretty simple too:
15:55 <ejegg> Are we using the equivalent payment method lookup call as a health check for Adyen?
15:57 <jgleeson> yep we are

Change 875425 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jgleeson; author: Jgleeson):

[wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig@master] Add dLocal Skeleton for SmashPig

Change 875425 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/SmashPig@master] Add dLocal Skeleton for SmashPig

XenoRyet set Final Story Points to 2.