This task involves the work of deciding what editing contexts the initial check the Editing Team is developing will be available within.
Where "editing contexts" means: creating a new article, editing a specific section, or editing an entire article.
Open questions
- 1. What – if any – editing contexts beyond those listed below will we need to decide whether the initial check should be made available within?
- Full-page editing (visual, desktop)
- Section editing (visual, desktop + mobile)
- New article creation (visual, desktop + mobile)
- Namespaces (e.g. main, draft, user, etc.)
- 2. What editing contexts will we need to make the initial edit check available within?
- Answers to all Open questions are documented
- Edit Check measurement plan is updated to ensure the metrics we plan to gather reflect the editing interfaces we expect Edit Check to initially be made available within
@nayoub raised this question in the Editing Team's 30 November team meeting in response to him positing that creating a new article might vary significantly enough to expanding an existing one that the two would warrant different user experiences.