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DiscussionTools reply links should not show on pages where user can't reply due to page protection, like section editing links don't
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


This is similar to T276393: Reply widget opens for users who can't edit the page, but I would argue that that task was closed prematurely.

Currently talk pages that can’t be edited by anonymous users, for example, look like this:

image.png (410×1 px, 69 KB)

They do not have section editing links, but they do have [reply] links next to every comment. In my opinion, there is no argument that justifies a different treatment here. You could argue that edit section links should be shown anyway because a section might be from a transcluded page, but that’s not how it worked before when DiscussionTools was a thing, so to me it seems like it would be more jarring if you’re able to press [reply] and get an error message than if there would be no [reply] links on pages like these. Consistency in the interface is usually important, and this seems inconsistent for no real reason.

Maybe the solution might be to start showing [edit] links on semi-protected pages, as well, too. I don’t have a real preference any way or another (other than the fact that section editing usually takes you to another page, so it’s even more jarring as interface goes). But as a user, it is weird to discover that this tool does something different for pages I can’t edit from the rest of the interface (which, in simple cases, indicates that that is the case, and, I would argue, should indicate it more with things like Titleblacklist etc.).

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I'm afraid we can't tie this behavior to section editing links:

  • Some pages disable them, but contain comments that should have reply buttons – for exampleédia:Esplanada/geral
  • Their behavior differs between desktop and mobile, so it's not even clear what that would mean (on desktop, IIRC, they're only hidden if you can't edit due to page protection; on mobile, they're also hidden if you're blocked, but only if you're logged in – it's a caching issue)
  • Section editing links are hidden on protected pages even if the section is transcluded from a non-protected page (this is a declined bug T15079), and I think this would be a very unhelpful behavior for reply buttons, particularly when we've put in effort to handle this case much better in the reply tool
  • Also, pages without headings have no section editing links at all :)

But I agree in principle that we shouldn't show the buttons if you can't actually use them. It's just relatively difficult to detect whether that is the case.

matmarex renamed this task from DiscussionTools reply links should not show on pages without section editing links to DiscussionTools reply links should not show on pages where user can't reply due to page protection, like section editing links don't.Feb 15 2023, 2:23 PM