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Conduct pre-mortem for Edit Check project
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This task is about identifying, as a team, the potential ways in which the Edit Check project could fail or otherwise not deliver the impact we're implementing it to have.

We will also use this task to determine how we will identify, and respond to, a scenario were it to arise.

Pre-mortem Link

Edit Check/Pre-Mortem


StepDescriptionPerson/People ResponsibleStatusFormat
1.Identify and document potential failure scenariosEditing-team DoneAsync
2.Cluster failure scenarios@ppelberg DoneAsync
3.Estimate impact and likelihood of each failure scenarioEditing-team DoneSync/Async
4.Prioritize failure scenarios to plan forEditing-team DoneAsync
5.Propose leading indicators (e.g. qualitative and quantitative) for prioritized scenario@MNeisler DoneAsync
6.Propose a plan of action/mitigation strategy for each High and Medium Priority scenarioEditing-team Done
7.Relate each scenario to a planned analysis that will be defined in the experiment plan@MNeisler DoneAsync

Event Timeline

ppelberg added a subscriber: MNeisler.

Update: I've clustered the the failure scenarios that surfaced during the 1 March 2023 meeting the Editing Team had offline.

See: Edit Check/Pre-Mortem --> Failure Scenarios

Update: I've clustered the the failure scenarios that surfaced during the 1 March 2023 meeting the Editing Team had offline.

See: Edit Check/Pre-Mortem --> Failure Scenarios

The Failure scenarios tab of the Edit Check/Pre-Mortem sheet now reflects all of failure scenarios the team identified in the 1 March meeting I referenced in T325851#8700640 as well as the scenarios that were contributed asynchronously, before that meeting.

NOTE: I've updated Person/People Responsible column within the task description to reflect the fact that I will be away from the wikis (E1630) while work on the remaining steps takes place.
MNeisler updated the task description. (Show Details)


The Editing team has estimated the impact and likelihood of each failure scenario. All the scenarios in the Edit Check/Pre-Mortem sheet now have a priority.

I've proposed leading indicators (e.g. qualitative and quantitative) for each prioritized scenario and related each scenario to the final measurement plan. This included (1) adding a few new metrics to the measurement plan to account for any leading indicators not already identified and (2) also adding a note to each leading indicator in the pre-mortem sheet to identify the related experiment/analysis.

Next Steps:
The Editing team will review the prioritized leading indicators with @ppelberg once he's back and confirm a plan of action/mitigation strategy.

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)

Propose a plan of action/mitigation strategy for each High and Medium Priority scenario

This is done; we've incorporated the "High" and "Medium" priority scenarios into the measurement plan by way of drafting a set of guardrails which can now be seen on-wiki in the Undesirable Outcomes table here: