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CVE-2023-29139: API request timeout - CheckUserLog
Closed, ResolvedPublicSecurity


Reason this is security flagged: I don't know how vulnerable multiple executions of the same API request in the form of a DoS type attack would affect a wikis server status

Error Message 1:

{"error":{"code":"internal_api_error_Wikimedia\\RequestTimeout\\RequestTimeoutException","info":"[cb78d894-a1fc-4dec-8329-08d4bfe7985a] Caught exception of type Wikimedia\\RequestTimeout\\RequestTimeoutException","errorclass":"Wikimedia\\RequestTimeout\\RequestTimeoutException"},"servedby":"mw1361"}

Error message 2:

upstream request timeout

Affected Authentications: Logged in with checkuserlog permission
Unaffected: Logged in without checkuserlog permission & logged out

Affected Wikis: Group 0 & Group 1 wikis - on MW 1.40.0-wmf.17
Not affected Wikis: Group 2 wikis - on 1.40.0-wmf.14


  1. Go to a project in which you have checkuserlog abilities
  2. make a request to the API CheckUserLog where you expect a non-zero result (could even just be a generic view all CU logs request)

Ways not to reproduce:

  1. Specifying parameters where the CU log would have zero enteries - this produces as it should, no results
  2. While not logged in OR without the checkuserlog permission - this results in the proper permission denied

Event Timeline

taavi triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Jan 5 2023, 11:33 AM
taavi subscribed.

(as a train blocker)

I was about to suggest:
you can do something much simpler:
instead of:

+			$this->addTables( [ 'actor' ] );
 			$this->addJoinConds( [ 'actor' => [ 'JOIN', 'actor_id=cul_actor' ] ] );


			$this->addJoin( 'actor', null, 'actor_id=cul_actor' );

But it Api class doesn't support it which baffling to me :/ to be fixed later.

This is good to go IMO.

It can get deployed and then immediately added to gerrit. It was introduced recently so it shouldn't be in any release branch.

It is deployed so it shouldn't block the train anymore. I'll double check with secteam and then push it to gerrit and close this.

sbassett moved this task from Incoming to Watching on the Security-Team board.
sbassett subscribed.

Hey @Ladsgroup @taavi @Zabe -

Thanks for the quick response here. It looks like this made it to 1.40.0-wmf.17 but not 1.40.0-wmf.14, which is still where group 2 is for a little while, if I'm not mistaken. If there aren't concerns about this vuln shortly existing there for a bit, then I suppose we don't need to worry about 1.40.0-wmf.14.

SAL entry:

It can get deployed and then immediately added to gerrit. It was introduced recently so it shouldn't be in any release branch.

This looks to be the bad change set? It's fine to backport the security patch ASAP anyways, now that it's patched in production, as CU isn't bundled. We can also track it for the next supplemental release at T325849.

Thanks again.

sbassett changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Jan 5 2023, 5:22 PM
sbassett lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to Medium.

Thanks for the quick response here. It looks like this made it to 1.40.0-wmf.17 but not 1.40.0-wmf.14, which is still where group 2 is for a little while, if I'm not mistaken. If there aren't concerns about this vuln shortly existing there for a bit, then I suppose we don't need to worry about 1.40.0-wmf.14.

The causing patch itself only made it into 1.40.0-wmf.17, so 1.40.0-wmf.14 is not affected by the vuln.

The causing patch itself only made it into 1.40.0-wmf.17, so 1.40.0-wmf.14 is not affected by the vuln.

Ah, missed that, thanks!

Change 877267 had a related patch set uploaded (by Zabe; author: Zabe):

[mediawiki/extensions/CheckUser@master] SECURITY: api: Only add actor table to table list when querying from it

sbassett changed Author Affiliation from N/A to Wikimedia Communities.Jan 9 2023, 10:17 PM
sbassett changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
sbassett changed the edit policy from "Custom Policy" to "All Users".
sbassett changed Risk Rating from N/A to Low.

Apologies for not catching that in my review. Thanks for the quick response everyone.

Change 877267 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/CheckUser@master] SECURITY: api: Only add actor table to table list when querying from it

Zabe claimed this task.
mmartorana renamed this task from API request timeout - CheckUserLog to CVE-2023-29139: API request timeout - CheckUserLog.Apr 3 2023, 3:19 PM

Change 905732 had a related patch set uploaded (by SBassett; author: Zabe):

[mediawiki/extensions/CheckUser@REL1_40] SECURITY: api: Only add actor table to table list when querying from it

Change 905732 abandoned by SBassett:

[mediawiki/extensions/CheckUser@REL1_40] SECURITY: api: Only add actor table to table list when querying from it


Already on 1.40

The CVE description is wrong here. This problem was never present in any release of 1.39. The only versions this was an issue in were specific 1.40-wmf.* branches and the master branch as far as I remember. Can this be updated (@sbassett)? Maybe using 1.40-alpha as the version would work here?

If it was never in a stable release the CVE should just be retracted.

If it was never in a stable release the CVE should just be retracted.

From what I can tell, this was never in a stable release, so as long as I've not missed something I think that should be done.

The CVE description is wrong here. This problem was never present in any release of 1.39. The only versions this was an issue in were specific 1.40-wmf.* branches and the master branch as far as I remember. Can this be updated (@sbassett)? Maybe using 1.40-alpha as the version would work here?

I can send an update or retraction to Mitre. I could go either way, tbh. For the supplemental release, where ext:CheckUser security issues land, the bar is pretty low and we often still request CVEs for things that just land on master, which this did. But yes, the bug was quickly introduced and quickly fixed, so it might be too inconsequential even for that.