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Move Sister projects and make them more prominent in the right menu
Open, MediumPublic


Some months ago I discussed here about the design-decision against the strategic direction: T287609. One of the points raised there was that sister projects should be more prominent, and hiding them by default for non logged-in users was an error. The project continued, and now non logged-in users can't see the sister projects.

Anyway, there's a change, because a right menu was introduced. In the prototype here we can see a better concept of marking the right menu in a grey background. I think that this move goes in the right direction, despite the overal decision of hiding the sister projects is bad. Now that we have moved that to the right, a good idea would be to change the default order to show first the sister projects and then the tools. Making this move, we can even mark it differently (with a darker grey tone, for example, and adding the project logos.

Event Timeline

Is it possible to do this by hand? The current order is completely illogical.

The long term intention is to make the ordering respect [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] (which we'll be investigating as part of T318435)

ovasileva triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 1 2023, 11:13 PM
ovasileva moved this task from Not ready to estimate to Groomed on the Web-Team-Backlog board.