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Upgrade ws-export VMs to Bullseye
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ws-export VMs are still using debian Buster that is soon EOL (September 2023) and Calibre has dropped support for Buster. I might be nice to upgrade to Bullseye.

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Maybe it would be better to skip Bullseye and directly go to the current stable Bookworm?

Samwilson subscribed.

Idea: it might be nice to use Terraform for the migration to ease future migrations (Bookworm...)

Good idea. That page says that "OpenTofu is not currently officially supported by the Cloud VPS administration team as a first-class management tool" — does that mean we should avoid it? Or is it the way of the future?

I might start this process by updating the wsexport-dev01 instance (or rather, deleting it and creating a new one). is now up and running on Bookworm, and PHP 8.2. I think all is fine. I'll do some more testing, and then look at upgrading the prod instance.

Moving to the new server now.

I'll move the database dumps onto the external volume while I'm at it (both to get them to the new server, but also because it's a better place to keep them on-going). They'll still be available at as always.

I've updated the docs at with all the changes and updates that were needed.

Most of this is done now. The proxy is switched to the new server, and everything seems okay so far. I'll keep a closer eye on it for a few days.

All finished. The old VPS is deleted now.