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IP Masking- Special:Block w/ Different Browsers; Partial Site
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story PointsBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Open two separate browsers in Local (my example, Chrome 114 & Safari 16.4 Incognito) with two different IP addresses. One as an Admin account and the other as Not logged in
  • Admin- Go to Special:Block and do a partial block on a site page of the IP address of the Not logged in.
  • Once blocked as Not logged in, go to a site page that was not included in the site block and edit the page.
  • This will create a temp user. Now go to the page where you are supposed to be blocked and try to edit.
  • Full video instructions below

What happens?:
You are able to edit the page even though you are supposed to be blocked

What should have happened instead?:
You should not be able to edit the page that you are blocked on

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

QA Results - Local

Event Timeline

@GMikesell-WMF This looks like may be the expected behaviour, I think for we will need to tick Apply block to logged-in users from this IP address for the block to affect temporary users as well?

I am not sure how this is supposed to work, tagging @Tchanders and @Niharika for clarity

@GMikesell-WMF Thanks for filing this and providing the very helpful video!

@TThoabala That's correct that there's no bug as such, since the behaviour of this feature has not yet been defined, and this is how it works automatically.

@Niharika is figuring all of this out in T338836: How should blocks treat temporary users?. I'll make this a subtask of that task.

Aklapper added a subscriber: TThoabala.

Removing inactive task assignee (please do so as part of offboarding steps).

This is no longer re-producable for me. Screenshots below:

Relevant block list entryError that appears when trying to edit
image.png (192×1 px, 16 KB)
image.png (876×1 px, 93 KB)

Moving to 'Needs QA' for QA to double check.

My understanding is that this was fixed by T343714: Soft blocks against an IP address should block temporary accounts using that IP address.

Dreamy_Jazz set the point value for this task to 1.Feb 22 2024, 1:59 PM

@Dreamy_Jazz This is no longer reproducible as seen in the .webm below. Like you said it's probably fixed in T343714: Soft blocks against an IP address should block temporary accounts using that IP address. I will move this to Done. Thanks for checking!

Status: ✅PASS
Environment: Local: 1.42.0-alpha (0ea2c78) 15:22, 22 February 2024
OS: macOS Sonoma 14.2.1
Browser: Chrome 121, Safari 17.3
Skins. Vector 2022
Device: MBA M2
Emulated Device:: n/a
Test Links:


Chrome- Left/Safari Incog- Right

Thanks for the QA. Marking this as resolved.