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Codex settings icon not working
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


When using .cdx-mixin-css-icon( @cdx-icon-settings, @param-is-button-icon: true ); no settings icon is rendering

Screenshot 2023-06-27 at 12.00.36 PM.png (118×644 px, 13 KB)

The icon is defined in resources/lib/codex-icons/codex-icon-paths.less but presumably is not correct?

Event Timeline

It looks like there's an escaping error that affects all icons that do <use xlink:href="#foo">. The affected icons are settings, code and tableMergeCells.

Change 933979 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope; author: Catrope):

[design/codex@main] Icon, docs: Use "code" instead of "tag" in CSS-only icon demo

Change 933983 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope; author: Catrope):

[design/codex@main] Icon: Make <use> work in CSS-only icons

Change 933979 merged by jenkins-bot:

[design/codex@main] Icon, docs: Use "code" instead of "tag" in CSS-only icon demo

Change 933983 merged by jenkins-bot:

[design/codex@main] Icon: Make <use> work in CSS-only icons

Change 935794 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope; author: Catrope):

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v0.13.0 to v0.14.0

Test wiki created on Patch demo by ATomasevich (WMF) using patch(es) linked to this task:

Change 935794 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v0.13.0 to v0.14.0

This should be fixed with the new Codex release (0.14.0), please reopen if it's still broken somehow.

Test wiki on Patch demo by ATomasevich (WMF) using patch(es) linked to this task was deleted: