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Add an image: Add missing GEInfoboxTemplates to several Wikimedia wikis
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As part of T302828: Scale: deploy "add an image" to pt, fa, fr, tr, Add an image was deployed to fa/fr/pt/tr Wikipedias. Add an image edits are not supposed to be suggested for articles that contain an infobox (as determined by the list in GEInfoboxTemplates). However, due to an oversight during deployment, the configuration variable GEInfoboxTemplates was not populated for those four wikis.

Since the deployment announcement informed the communities articles with infoboxes will not be suggested, we should fix this oversight and populate GEInfoboxTemplates on:

  • fawiki
  • frwiki
  • ptwiki
  • trwiki

Originally reported as

Acceptance criteria
  • Articles with infoboxes are not suggested as Add an image edits at fa/fr/pt/tr Wikipedias.

Event Timeline

This is now done, see the following config changes:

I used the documentation from wikitech:Add Image. Unfortunately, the linked script to determine set of infobox templates did not work perfectly (it currently omits the namespace prefix and suggests some infobox templates from other wikis). During the work on this task, I fixed those issues; filled T340629 to track this.

@Urbanecm - will the config change retroactively affect the existing suggestions? Or only going forward for a new suggestions set?

On eswiki wmf.15 I found the following example -

Screen Shot 2023-06-29 at 5.50.23 PM.png (879×1 px, 417 KB)

@Urbanecm_WMF - will the config change retroactively affect the existing suggestions? Or only going forward for a new suggestions set?

It should affect all suggestions immediately after the change is made (minus possibly some short-lived caches, not 100% sure).

On eswiki wmf.15 I found the following example -

Thanks for reporting! This seems to be a section-level recommendation (rather than an article-level recommendation), which doesn't have any infobox filtering (tracked as T340237: Section-level images: exclude articles with infoboxes). So, I think this is not a bug.

I'd also like to note that eswiki's list of infoboxes was populated outside of this task (this task only affects fa/fr/pt/tr, where add an image didn't filter infoboxes out even for article-level suggestions previously).

@Urbanecm_WMF - will the config change retroactively affect the existing suggestions? Or only going forward for a new suggestions set?

It should affect all suggestions immediately after the change is made (minus possibly some short-lived caches, not 100% sure).

On eswiki wmf.15 I found the following example -

Thanks for reporting! This seems to be a section-level recommendation (rather than an article-level recommendation), which doesn't have any infobox filtering (tracked as T340237: Section-level images: exclude articles with infoboxes). So, I think this is not a bug.

I'd also like to note that eswiki's list of infoboxes was populated outside of this task (this task only affects fa/fr/pt/tr, where add an image didn't filter infoboxes out even for article-level suggestions previously).

Thanks, @Urbanecm_WMF! Re-checked fa/fr/pt/tr wikis - the infoboxes were not present in my sample testing. There was one case on fawiki (fawiki example where another template was present on a short article and an image still recommended:

Screen Shot 2023-07-07 at 10.48.09 AM.png (1×1 px, 340 KB)

Another issue with taht example was: oo-ui-iconElement-icon oo-ui-icon-helpNotice was not clickable. I checked other wiki (especially, arwiki) - this issue looked like non-reproducible outlier.