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Ensure temporary accounts cannot be suppressed via "hideuser"
Closed, DeclinedPublic


From the parent task:

  • Should it be possible to suppress a temporary account user? (It's not possible to suppress an IP user.)

We want to keep the temp accounts experience consistent with current experience for unregistered users so we should disallow hideuser for temp accounts if it is disallowed for IPs currently.

Besides consistency, temporary users should never need to be hidden since their username is automatically generated.

Event Timeline

Tchanders renamed this task from Ensure that temporary accounts cannot be suppressed via "hideuser" to Ensure temporary accounts cannot be suppressed via "hideuser".Aug 7 2023, 11:48 AM

Change 946545 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tchanders; author: Tchanders):

[mediawiki/core@master] Disallow hiding temporary users via blocks

Change 946545 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Disallow hiding temporary users via blocks

@Tchanders Do we want validation in the case a user has disabled JS?

They can submit the form with the hideuser checkbox checked and this is what they see:

temp_user_hide_nojs.png (363×815 px, 51 KB)

Also, if they are changing an existing block on a temp user they can check the hideuser checkbox and submit straight away without being told it won't apply.

@Tchanders Do we want validation in the case a user has disabled JS?

They can submit the form with the hideuser checkbox checked and this is what they see:

temp_user_hide_nojs.png (363×815 px, 51 KB)

Also, if they are changing an existing block on a temp user they can check the hideuser checkbox and submit straight away without being told it won't apply.

This is behaving differently from how it behaves when an IP is entered in the form, but I'm not immediately sure why. Will look into this.

The work in this task will be undone or partially undone in {T355430}.