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Select final set of dimensions and baseline measurements for each AQS 2.0 service
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points



Using the spreadsheet, we created in the previous task we need to review the dimensions and baselines to determine if they sufficiently describing acceptable operation for each of the AQS 2.0 services.

There may be dimensions that are irrelevant or measures that we are missing entirely. As well as internal team discussion, we should engage both SRE and Data Engineering teams to get there input.

Note: it may be necessary to break out some of the below work into separate tasks

Acceptance Criteria

  • Hold an internal review session on the dimensions
  • Request SRE to review the identified dimensions, and propose missing or irrelevant dimensions
  • Request Data Engineering to review the identified dimensions, and propose missing or irrelevant dimensions
  • Collect input from from team, DE and SRE on missing or irrelevant dimensions
  • For each new dimension for each relevant service propose an initial baseline or a plan for how we can collect enough data to establish a baseline
  • Update AQS 2.0 baseline metrics spreadsheet with new dimensions

Event Timeline

VirginiaPoundstone lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Jan 22 2024, 9:49 PM
WDoranWMF changed the point value for this task from 11 to 5.Feb 5 2024, 1:27 PM

Hi @WDoranWMF Should we mark this one as done as we already have a draft version of SLOs for DA?