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Upgrade Local Development Stack Fundraising-Dev Docker Images to use PHP 8
Closed, ResolvedPublic


At the moment, we mirror production, which I think is 7.4.

When using CiviCRM today, I got this warning:

image.png (113×1 px, 17 KB)

It made me think that we should probably be ahead of the curve locally....or catch up! The current prevailing thought is that we should mirror production and work on that, which I get, but this approach doesn't leave us much room to prepare the apps for the future. Sticking with mirroring production will delay our finding out what doesn't work until we are forced to switch.

We could have our cake and eat it by using PHP-version-specific branches of fundraising-dev that refer to different docker-compose.yml files which pull down different images. We could have a main & experimental split to keep it simple in the early days so we're not managing a bunch of old version-specific branches worrying about backporting the latest updates to them.

What do other folks think?


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Event Timeline

greg triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 23 2023, 7:16 PM

@jgleeson Can you update the task to make it clear who "we" is, and what "locally" refers to? I suppose this is about the environment we use for fundraising, but from lust looking at the title and description of the task, this isn't clear.

jgleeson renamed this task from Upgrade to PHP 8 locally to Upgrade Local Development Stack Fundraising-Dev Docker Images to use PHP 8.Dec 14 2023, 7:10 AM

@daniel done

I've also removed that Mediawiki-Docker tag, which I think I've likely added by mistake, and instead tagged this task with the fundraising-specific Fr-Docker tag.

Dwisehaupt set Final Story Points to 4.