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CVE-2024-23178: XSS in Phonos via the phonos-purge-needed-error message
Closed, ResolvedPublicSecurity


In PhonosButton.js, the unescaped message text is appended to the page content:

	$( '<p>' ).append(
		mw.message( 'phonos-purge-needed-error' ).text() + '&nbsp;',

This is vulnerable to an i18n-based XSS because the phonos-purge-needed-error message is user-controlled. You can reproduce the vulnerability by putting something unsafe in the message content (e.g., by using the x-xss language), and then triggering the handleMissingFile() function.

Event Timeline

Intentionally vague public patch at

I think it's fine for it to be public as there's no malicious overrides and even if there were, the conditions under which you could encounter this code path in production is unlikely to occur.

Nonetheless we'll get the fix deployed today. Thanks for identifying this exploit!

@Daimona just curious if you found this by circumstance, or if you have some tooling we should be aware of? I know uselang=x-xss is relatively new, but even using that you can't repro this under normal conditions.

@Daimona just curious if you found this by circumstance, or if you have some tooling we should be aware of? I know uselang=x-xss is relatively new, but even using that you can't repro this under normal conditions.

I found it by pure chance :) I got the phonos-purge-needed-error error for a page in production, and I wanted to see what could've caused it. I came across the code in question, and immediately realized that it's vulnerable because I had found similar XSS vulnerabilities just a couple weeks ago (T348343).

BTW, I was looking at the fix in r967269 but that doesn't work here, because "&nbsp" gets escaped by .text(), and the second argument ($link) is ignored. An alternative would be to replace .text() with .escaped(), but keep using .append(). I don't want to write this on gerrit in case it gives away the real purpose of the patch :)

BTW, I was looking at the fix in r967269 but that doesn't work here, because "&nbsp" gets escaped by .text(), and the second argument ($link) is ignored. An alternative would be to replace .text() with .escaped(), but keep using .append(). I don't want to write this on gerrit in case it gives away the real purpose of the patch :)

Thanks for catching that! I guess that's why we used append() in the first place :)

Follow-up patch (now merged) at

The first patch does fix the exploit and has already been deployed, so this task is safe to be open now.

MusikAnimal changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".Oct 20 2023, 8:08 PM
MusikAnimal moved this task from QA 🐛 to Done 🏁 on the Community-Tech (CommTech-Kanban) board.

I've made the task public now that this is patched in production.

As this is very tricky to reproduce, I'm going to be bold and skip QA.

Thanks all for the help!

sbassett changed Author Affiliation from N/A to Wikimedia Communities.
sbassett changed the edit policy from "Custom Policy" to "All Users".
sbassett changed Risk Rating from N/A to Low.

Change 991335 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mmartorana; author: MusikAnimal):

[mediawiki/extensions/Phonos@REL1_40] PhonosButton: use text() instead of append()

mmartorana renamed this task from XSS in Phonos via the phonos-purge-needed-error message to CVE-2024-23178: XSS in Phonos via the phonos-purge-needed-error message.Jan 17 2024, 4:17 PM

Change 991335 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Phonos@REL1_40] PhonosButton: use text() instead of append()