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Global Readers Demographic Survey 2023: Q3 Goals
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This tracks progress on T341890 towards major goals for Q3 2023-2024:

  • de-biasing / survey weighting of multilingual survey data
  • topline analysis of multilingual survey data
    • report posted to project meta page
    • demographic gap trends and levels shared with leadership for annual planning
  • survey data contribution to March readership research presentation
  • survey data presented at April all staff meeting

Event Timeline

Weekly update: Analysis / preparation of visualization code continues and is on track for sharing preliminary insights by end of next week.

Weekly update:

  • Preliminary (unweighted) analysis shared with @Miriam
  • Continuing analysis and visualization

Weekly update:

  • Preliminary analysis shared as part of State of Research brief
  • Continued work on data visualization and analysis
  • @Isaac shared distributions that will enable data weighting

Weekly update:

  • No update this week

Weekly update:

  • No update this week

Weekly update:

  • presentation of readers research calendared for April all-staff meeting (4/4)
  • weighted data should be available starting next week

Weekly update:

  • Unfortunately, weighting has been more time-consuming than expected and some methodological issues have been raised that I will bring to the GAP team meeting next Monday.
  • Nonetheless, weighted data will be available no later than early next week and I don't anticipate any obstacles to presenting weighted data to the upcoming FLMC or All-Staff meetings.

Weekly update:

  • Project-level weighting completed and visualization and analysis shared with Knowledge Gaps subteam for feedback
  • Aligned with Isaac and Tanja on project-proportionate weighting plan (pooled data to be weighted next week)

Weekly update

  • Pooled weighting completed
  • Analysis and results presented to Foundation Level Metrics Committee meeting on March 21

Weekly update:

  • Draft deck prepared for All-Staff presentation on April 4

Weekly update:

  • Presented Global Readers Survey highlights during April 4 All-Staff Meeting
YLiou_WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)