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Provide a way for organizers to specify event type when enabling Event Registration
Open, MediumPublic


we have learned in the last year or so that people are using campaign event registration tools for events beyond campaigns. People use them for monthly meetups and trainings, which are not campaign events. See the related Slack conversation.

In order to provide accurate data, we need a way to differentiate the events so that at the time of reporting the team is able to receive data on events, which is the primary use case and goal of the tool (vs meetups and trainings).

Do we need a new registration question? Gauging the type of event without backend data is not possible at this time.

Event Timeline

Hello @Iflorez, @Rmaung, @EUwandu-WMF, @Sadads, @Udehb-WMF:

Do we have any pre-existing lists of event types to draw from? Or do we need to create a new one from scratch (and, if yes, do you have any recommendations for what event types to include)? Once we know which event types to include as options for organizers, we can begin potentially implementing this feature, which can be useful for both a future Event List/Calendar with filters as well as for providing more accurate data insights on event organizing. Thanks in advance!

ifried renamed this task from differentiating between types of events to Provide a way for organizers to specify event type when enabling Event Registration.Feb 1 2024, 2:58 PM

Hi all-- I don't have an existing list, and if no one else has one I would guess this group can put together something pretty comprehensive asynchronously?

Thanks, @Rmaung! Since it seems like there is no pre-existing list, I have created a preliminary list, where we can continue the conversation and finalize the options (link). Thanks!

Note: Now that we have released the Event List, this work is higher priority. We need to be able to define each event type in 1-2 words, ideally, so it is a simpler user experience. The work to determine the event types is in progress.

ifried triaged this task as Medium priority.Thu, Jun 6, 8:25 PM