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Adhere to RFC8048 (one-click unsubscribe) dkim guidelines
Open, HighPublic


The message needs at least one valid authentication identifier.  In
this version of the specification, the only supported identifier type
is DKIM [RFC6376].  Hence, senders MUST apply at least one valid DKIM
signature to the message.

The List-Unsubscribe and List-Unsubscribe-Post headers MUST be
covered by the signature and included in the "h=" tag of a valid
DKIM-Signature header field.

If the message does not have the required DKIM signature, the mail
receiver SHOULD NOT offer a one-click unsubscribe for that message.

This will require updating our exim config to sign additional headers as List-Unsubscribe-Post is not included in the default set.

Event Timeline

jhathaway triaged this task as High priority.
jhathaway created this task.