The zhwikinews community believes that there is no need for the TOC affecting the browsing experience on the news page (i.e., the main namespace). It is hoped that the TOC can be suppressed in the main namespace from the software level by default.
Original task content:
Is technical implementation feasible? The local community expressed strong support in the Telegram group.
To avoid any misunderstanding, the term '目錄' refers to the section on the left-hand side of the news page, which includes '目次' (Table of Contents), '隱藏' (Hide), '序言' (Introduction), and '消息來源' (Sources) in Chinese. The left-hand side table of contents is not useful for Wikinews articles. So they want to turn off the left-hand menu on all main pages on Vector (2022) by default for everyone on zhwikinews, including readers.