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Can't type em dashes ("—") in iOS Wikipedia app wikitext editor
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(split off from T357933)

The most recent update that introduced the new native editor also introduced a bug that prevents certain unicode characters from being inserted into article text (for example, while it recognizes en dashes ("–"), the editor does not recognize em dashes ("—"), requiring app users intending to input that particular character to use the browser editor on the desktop site to do so).

Steps to replicate the issue:

  • To replicate the character bug, input certain unicode characters like the em dash ("—") into the app's native editor; the character will not display when inputted. (Ironically while it doesn't recognize the character when it is typed into the editor via the iPhone/iPad keyboard (including the touch screen keyboard), em dashes can be inputted into the editor if copied text containing them is pasted into another portion of the text.)

Event Timeline

This seemed quite incredible to me, but I can reproduce it.