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[beta] UploadWizard - Describe step: the warning about a title not being descriptive enough should be present
Closed, ResolvedPublic


T361049: [XL] Improve the file name, caption, and description fields has the following AC:

  • Pre-fill the title using file name if it matches the descriptive criteria, if not leave it blank
  • Update the copy for the current error message for when the user has not entered a descriptive title as show here.

Currently, commons beta won't display the warning about a title not being descriptive.


  1. On Special:UploadWizard on commons wiki start uploading an image. An image will be assigned an automatically generated name.
  2. In Describe step that automatically generated title is displayed without any warning to user.
current productionfigma designbeta
Screen Shot 2024-05-13 at 3.06.07 PM.png (1×2 px, 703 KB)
Screen Shot 2024-05-13 at 3.04.36 PM.png (1×1 px, 226 KB)
Screen Shot 2024-05-13 at 3.14.35 PM.png (1×2 px, 977 KB)

Note: On commons beta the title flashes when the page loads


Event Timeline

Etonkovidova renamed this task from UploadWizard - Describe step: the warning about a title not being descriptive enough should be present to [beta] UploadWizard - Describe step: the warning about a title not being descriptive enough should be present.May 15 2024, 11:59 PM

Re-checked on commons wmf. 5 - seems to be working according to the specs

  • Upload step: a file is assigned an automatically generated name
  • Describe step: the automatically generated title is not displayed - no warning or user message to provide descriptive title

Some non-descriptive titles will trigger "Please write a more informative title (see examples)" message. The examples of such titles - TTTT, Image123, and test12321321 454 .

It seems that the following AC in T361049: [XL] Improve the file name, caption, and description fields work in commons wmf.5:

  • Pre-fill the title using file name if it matches the descriptive criteria, if not leave it blank
  • Update the copy for the current error message for when the user has not entered a descriptive title as show here.

I've updated the task title to indicate that the issue is only commons beta related and marked the AC in T361049: [XL] Improve the file name, caption, and description fields as complete.

Etonkovidova claimed this task.

@Etonkovidova this will be covered/fixed in T366323

Thanks, @Sneha! I reviewed the task - the cause for the issue is that commons beta lacks entries in MediaWiki:Titleblacklist list. I've added a simple rule to MediaWiki:Titleblacklist to check if the warning is present on commons beta and it worked as expected.

For further testing (e.g. T366323) some additional rules should be added to MediaWiki:Titleblacklist page. Closing this task as Resolved.