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Index OutgoingReqResult fields
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We have new fields in logstash that need to be indexed so we can filter by them:





These are for logging the result of outgoing requests from citoid.

I have looked at wikitech and I can't figure out exactly where these definitions live so tagging Observability-Logging

Looking over the docs I realise we are not ecs compliant... however there doesn't seem to be an obvious set of fields I can use instead to do this. url downloader does something similar to what we want, but they use the ecs logs and those fields aren't available in logstash...

Event Timeline

colewhite subscribed.

Indexed fields list is refreshed and outgoingReqResult.* is now searchable and aggregatable.

Please reach out regarding ECS. We're happy to help folks navigate the migration. :)