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i18n: Add rarely-changed Codex strings to MediaWiki core
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


As part of the MVP of the parent task, we need to add MediaWiki messages for rarely-changed Codex component strings to core.

Because we may move these messages into Codex itself one day, we'd like to sequester them to their own directory for easy portability.

The messages are:

namedescriptionEnglish value
cdx-input-chip-aria-descriptionVisually-hidden description of a CdxInputChip, describing the available keyboard commands'Press Enter to edit or Delete to remove'
cdx-dialog-close-button-labelVisually-hidden label for the CdxDialog "close" button'Close'
cdx-label-optional-flagFlag that a field is optional'(optional)'
cdx-message-dismiss-button-labelVisually-hidden label for the CdxMessage "dismiss" button'Close'
cdx-search-input-search-button-labelLabel for the CdxSearchInput "search" button'Search'
cdx-table-select-all-labelVisually-hidden label for the "select all" checkbox'Select all rows'
cdx-table-select-row-labelVisually-hidden label for each row selection checkbox'Select row $1 of $2'
cdx-table-sort-captionVisually-hidden addition to the table caption describing how sorting works', column headers with buttons are sortable.'
(more for table pagination )
cdx-typeahead-search-search-results-labelVisually-hidden label for the search results list'Search results'

Acceptance criteria

  • Messages are added to core in a single directory (patch)
  • Messages are hooked up to translatewiki (patch)

Event Timeline

AnneT updated the task description. (Show Details)
AnneT set the point value for this task to 2.Tue, Jun 25, 7:28 PM

Change #1049949 had a related patch set uploaded (by Anne Tomasevich; author: Anne Tomasevich):

[mediawiki/core@master] i18n: Add messages for Codex components

Change #1049949 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] i18n: Add messages for Codex components

Amire80 subscribed.

The acceptance criteria say that the messages must be hooked up to translatewiki, and they still aren't. I'll do it quickly.