- We will be deploying the vector 2022 skin to the next set of wikimedia projects
User story
- As a reader of a wikimedia project, I want to be able to use the same skin across wikis
- As a product team, we want to have vector 2022 as the default skin on all wikis so that we can avoid significant versioning issues
- Deploy to the following list of wikis:
Dec 3:
- ukwiki
- uawikimedia
- enwikisource
- cswiktionary
- For QA engineer to fill out
Test Steps
- For QA engineer to fill out
- Add mockups and design requirements
Acceptance criteria
- Get green light from @sgrabarczuk before deployment
- Deploy to wikis according to requirements
Communication criteria - does this need an announcement or discussion?
- All wikis must be communicated with ahead of time
Rollback plan
- What is the rollback plan in production for this task if something goes wrong?
This task was created by Version 1.3.0 of the Web team task template using phabulous