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Enable user to select a list of languages in the preferences
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Additionally to select one interface language in the preferences, the user also can select an ordered list of languages from the list of languages. This will be later used in order to improve the user experience on the Wikidata repo.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 12:26 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz36425.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Actually, the list we need right now (I guess) is not a list of languages but rather a list of sites (for the site links the user can and wants to edit frequently).
It would make sense to also have a configurable list of languages later. This would be for the user to fast switch between the data sites in different languages (what we do with uselang=xx currently).

On Wikipedia I guess both is pretty much the same. The sites are languages and the list of sites would probably be equivalent with list of languages.

But the question is, how to implement this for now. Tread it as a list of sites or a list of languages or implement both already.

Please go for a list of languages. This can also be extremely helpful for selecting the sites -- but I don't thing that it is necessary to have them both. What we really need is the list of languages, and rather soon: this is important for fallback languages, and for a possible multilingual interface, and for switching the interface language, whereas the list of sites has a much more limited usage.

So my suggestion is to go for a list of languages only.

Done, but for the nicer view, still has to be reviewed and merged into the cores wikidata branch.

Verified in Wikidata demo time for sprint 5

Since we have disabled the STTL extension, this is not longer available on Wikidata. The code had to be moved to Wikibase again, or integrated into STTL or something else. This is, if we even still want/need this feature.