વિશેષ:આંકડાકીયમાહિતી shows the total page count of 607 but actually there are more than 1100 valid pages in main namespace. This is evident from, where Gujarati is places in the group of wikis with 1000+ pages. On IRC chat Reedy told me that current settings are as following:
var_dump( $wgArticleCountMethod );
string(4) "link"
'link': the page must contain a wiki link to be considered valid
And that is the reason correct page count is not displayed, because it being a Wikisource, not necessarily each page would have wikilink.
Will appreciate if that is changed to the settings where it gives most accurate numbers (as gives for Gujarati). Also, comma won't work, because many poetic pages will even not have comma or dots.
I would suggest best to use 'any' so that all the valid pages are counted.
Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: normal