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Unable to use {{int}} inside {{for template}}
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This prevents the creation of fully translatable and translated semantic forms.

Again example from . Current text:

{{{for template
|Liittyvä nimitys|multiple|label=Käsitteeseen liittyvät nimitykset
|add button text=Lisää nimitys

Tested text:

{{{for template
|Liittyvä nimitys|multiple|label={{int:ttp-form-concept-explabel}}
|add button text={{int:ttp-form-concept-addexp}}

I. Observed: {{int}} is shown verbatim in the rendered form.
II. Expected: the message in question is transcluded in the correct language, see

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal

Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:43 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz47736.

Hi - could you be clearer about the syntax you would like to see supported? And does "{{int}}" come from the Translate extension?

{{int:}} is the standard MediaWiki magic word for system messages.

Again example from

{{{for template

Liittyvä nimitysmultiplelabel=Käsitteeseen liittyvät nimitykset
add button text=Lisää nimitys


I'd like this to work:

{{{for template

Liittyvä nimitysmultiplelabel={{int:ttp-form-concept-explabel}}
add button text={{int:ttp-form-concept-addexp}}


But last time (now many months ago) I tried that it showed {{int}} verbatim in the rendered form.

Change 139457 had a related patch set uploaded by Nikerabbit:
Allow {{int}} for certain field parameters

Change 139457 merged by Yaron Koren:
Allow {{int}} for certain field parameters

Nemo_bis set Security to None.

image.png (223×502 px, 18 KB)

label is still not accepting {{int}}, but add button text is fixed.

Change 451619 had a related patch set uploaded (by Thai; owner: Thai):
[mediawiki/extensions/PageForms@master] Allow {{int:}} for template name and label in {{{for template}}}

label is still not accepting {{int}}, but add button text is fixed.

Above patch should solve this. Please review.

Change 451619 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/PageForms@master] Allow {{int:}} for template name and label in {{{for template}}}

Kghbln assigned this task to Thai.

Thanks @Thai for working on this!