After 15 days of vote [1] (period defined by local rule), Portuguese Wikipedia decided to request CAPTCHA for all edits of non-confirmed users (IP and non-confirmed accounts). It was also asked on vote page for how long it should last and users decided that the period should remain undefined and this change should not be undone until another community decision.
Portuguese Wikipedia already used CAPTCHA that way for five years. It was removed in April (see bug 41745) as it was said a community decision was necessary to keep it.
This is a free translation of the vote statement:
"Users are invited to say 'yes' or 'no' to the following proposal:
Use CAPTCHA again in all edits of non-confirmed users, as it was previously done and called "emergency mode". This vote will validate the usage and will determine for how long CAPTCHA will remain that way. If a finite period is chosen, it have to be used in order that community can discuss to keep using it, remove it or use alternative ways to deal with vandalism. At the end of this period, "emergency" CAPTCHA may be removed automatically, unless there is another decision to say the opposite. If the period 'indefinite' is chosen, CAPTCHA will remain activated until another decision decides [sic] to remove it."
If you have any question or request (e.g. translations, links), please ask.
Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: enhancement
See Also: