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Dictionary backed input completion method (to have word by word transliterations for Marathi)
Open, LowestPublicFeature


We are requesting is to provide us facility where in ULS Marathi
transliteration अक्षरांतरण tool

If ULS can offer (without slowing down operations) set of most used Marathi language words in roman script to word transliteration which gets transliterated when space button is pressed For an example 'aahe' is one of the most used Marathi language word getting transliterated in to आहे after typing 'aahe' + space bar it should automatically transliterate to आहे .List be updatable on translate wiki.This is much simmiller to the way google transliterator works.


2)A separate word by word transliteration tool on the lines of Google transliterator for indic wikis


3)Would it be possible in visual editor,for users up to 50 edits, marathi words typed in roman script get automatically substituted with Marathi Devenagari script words , we can provide most used words list for the purpose


4)Can WMF request Google to make google indic trasnliterators schemes freely available for Wiki ULS set.If becomes possible this may save time of reinventing the wheel.

*To understand further the need for above request,please do refer to survey
data and analysis provided at

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 22 2014, 1:56 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz51348.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

(In reply to comment #0)

If ULS can offer (without slowing down operations) set of most used Marathi
language words in roman script to word transliteration which gets
transliterated when space button is pressed For an example 'aahe' is one of
most used Marathi language word getting transliterated in to आहे after typing
'aahe' + space bar it should automatically transliterate to आहे .List be
updatable on translate wiki.This is much simmiller to the way google
transliterator works.

What you are requesting for is a dictionary backed input completion method. The technical scope of the request needs to be independently assessed. Extending this outright as a feature for any of the existing input methods is not feasible. I suggest a separate bug (or change the description of this) to mention clearly this specific request.

2)A separate word by word transliteration tool on the lines of Google
transliterator for indic wikis

This needs to go into a separate bug report.

3)Would it be possible in visual editor,for users up to 50 edits, marathi
typed in roman script get automatically substituted with Marathi Devenagari
script words , we can provide most used words list for the purpose

This needs to go into a separate bug report.

4)Can WMF request Google to make google indic trasnliterators schemes freely
available for Wiki ULS set.If becomes possible this may save time of
reinventing the wheel.

Out of scope of this bug.

*To understand further the need for above request,please do refer to survey
data and analysis provided at

As Andre already mentioned (bug #51345#c1), this is really becoming hard to connect. A summary of the pertinent section related to the immediate issue reported in the bug would be very helpful. Thanks.

(In reply to comment #1)

(In reply to comment #0)

*or change the description of this) to mention clearly this specific request.

is okay rest of the items I will file the bugs separately quite later stage.

If ULS can offer (without slowing down operations) set of most used Marathi
language words in roman script to word transliteration which gets
transliterated when space button is pressed For an example 'aahe' is one of
most used Marathi language word getting transliterated in to आहे after typing
'aahe' + space bar it should automatically transliterate to आहे .List be
updatable on translate wiki.This is much simmiller to the way google
transliterator works.

What you are requesting for is a dictionary backed input completion method.
technical scope of the request needs to be independently assessed. Extending
this outright as a feature for any of the existing input methods is not
feasible. I suggest a separate bug (or change the description of this) to
mention clearly this specific request.

If ULS can offer (without slowing down operations) set of most used Marathi
language words in roman script to word transliteration which gets
transliterated when space button is pressed For an example 'aahe' is one of
most used Marathi language word getting transliterated in to आहे after typing
'aahe' + space bar it should automatically transliterate to आहे .List be
updatable on translate wiki.This is much simmiller to the way google
transliterator works.

[Mahitgar: When replying, please avoid quoting the full previous comment by removing lines that you don't refer to in your comment. Thanks!]

Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Feb 4 2022, 11:14 AM
Aklapper removed a subscriber: wikibugs-l-list.