We should investigate whether we can improve WikiLove's performance.
When I visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Brandon while logged in and call mw.loader.inspect() from the browser's console, I see:
0 jquery.ui.core 51.8 kB
1 ext.wikiLove.startup 49.6 kB
2 jquery.ui.button 25.4 kB
I also see:
0 jquery.ui.core 225 0 0.00%
1 ext.wikiLove.startup 60 0 0.00%
2 jquery.ui.button 43 0 0.00%
(The jquery entries are only provided for context, I don't believe they're related to WikiLove.)
Focusing _only_ on the WikiLove-related entries, these seem high, given that upon page load, the user has not interacted with (and likely will not interact with) WikiLove.
This can likely be optimized.
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
See Also:
T54757: Move WikiLove user preference to "Editing" tab